Virtual /On-site personalized support

In addition to his virtual webinars/ inservice workshops, Dr. Perras offers to develop a specifically customized action plan for an individual school/staff. After consulting with faculty to listen to their concerns and needs, Don will observe and analyze the issues in a particular school or classroom, devise a training program specific to the faculty and their needs, and create a strategy to alleviate classroom management issues. This personalized method is often the fastest, most efficient strategy for a school to employ to quickly alleviate acutely disruptive situations. A vast majority of educators require this assistance to address their inadequate management preparation and stressors coping with discipline problems. Other popular management programs lack this most critical feature.
Don has observed over 1, 400 individual educators in multiple sites and specialties since 1973, particularly in urban schools. Each teacher always receives a written outline of Ecological Model practices illustrating environmental procedures, instructional techniques, and behavioral interventions. Follow – up ZOOM sessions offer additional feedback in response to their progress and continued requests. This is a unique feature of his services.
Middle school teacher referencing class rules.
During 2025, Don is emphasizing the association of ‘teacher mental health’ and classroom management, a critical feature of his services. Besides basic Ecological Model strategies, teachers receive customized interventions to address their psychological / emotional characteristics related to managing challenging behavior. Coaching offers non – evaluative feedback to enhance teachers’ reflective awareness of the stress classroom management provokes. Long – term improvement follows this assistance, particularly for ‘beginning’ teachers. A recently created webinar training is available that presents preventative interventions to maximize teacher self – reflection and effectiveness. Should be mandated for 'new' hires. Most popular request from multiple sites.
A new webinar for 'administrators' offers an overview of factors impacting their staff's mental health, with remedial recommendations to minimize burnout and resignations. Essential training for all school leaders.

New Britain, spring 2023

Please contact Don with a brief description of your situation to develop and present a support program tailored to your specific needs.